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Saved by Brad siegerman
on November 11, 2013 at 10:47:49 am


 Welcome to AP Psychology



Follow me on twitter @bradsiegerman

The work on this site is the intellectual property of Mr. Siegerman.

You may not remove any information and place it on your own website


Reviw for AP EXAM WEB SITE   http://appsychologyreview.pbworks.com/w/page/13487551/FrontPage



Summer of 2013 Chapters One and Three are to be read over the summer or for second semester. Each chapter will have a test. 


To join the class on Celly

Tell others to join your cell by simply texting the @SiegermanApPsych to 23559





check  out http://www.spreaker.com/user/bradsiegerman these are podcasts I will be experimenting with.


final exam spreadsheet 2012



Each chapter we go over in class you are responsible for the study packet the day of the test. They need to be fully completed in order to receive full credit


Assignments/Daily Log:


Welcome to Second Semester Ap PSychology


File Folder Project for each chapter. This is a fifty point assignment for each chapter we do in class. You do not have to do a file folder if it a chapter you do non your own.  







Notebook Creation

1. Course syllubus

2. essaywritingformat.pdf Please print this out for the second day of class

3.essaychecksheet.pdf  Please print this out for the second day of class

4.multiplechoiceskills.pdf Please print this out for the second day of class

5.freeresponseessayskills.pdf Please print this out for the second day of class

6.evaluativecriteriaforapessay.pdf Please print this out for the second day of class

7.instructions for written reports.pdf Please print this out for the second day of class

8. Sign up for online support from the textbook publisher http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/myers8e/

9. Testyourknowledgeform.pdf  Please print this out for the second day of class 



Chapters to be covered: We use Psychology by David G. Myers


Chapter 1 Thinking Critically with Psychology"To be done by students on their own" Summer reading

Chapter 2 Neuroscience and Behavior

Chapter 3 The Nature and Nurture of Behavior "To be done by Students on their own" Summer reading

Chapter 4 The Developing Person

Chapter 5 Sensation

Chapter 6 Perception "To be done by Students on their own"

Chapter 7 States of Consciousness

Chapter 8 Learning

Chapter 9 Memory

Chapter 10 Thinking and Language

Chapter 11 Inteliigence

Chapter 12 Motivation and work"To be done by Students on their own"

Chapter 13 Emotion

Chapter 14 Stress and Health "To be done by Students on their own"

Chapter 15 Personality

Chapter 16 Psychological Disorders

Chapter 17 Therapy

Chapter 18 Social Psychology "To be done by Students on their own"



Assignments/Daily Log:  






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